Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Opus II: Cardiovascular System: Listing of the Cardiovascular System By Region
Ronald A. Bergman, PhD
Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Ryosuke Miyauchi, MD
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
The primitive trigeminal artery is the most common persistent carotid-basilar anastomic channel observed in adult life and has been reported as an incidental finding in 0.1 to 0.6% of consecutive cerebral angiograms or autopsy cases.
See also text and references given for the Ophthalmic, Hyaloid, and Lacrymal arteries and for the Anterior Inferior Cerebellar, the Posterior inferior Cerebellar arteries, the internal carotid and the vertebral arteries.
In the limbs see Median (Persistent) and Sciatic (Ischiatic).
Hypoglossal and Stapedia:
See Image 232
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