Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Opus II: Cardiovascular System
Ronald A. Bergman, PhD
Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Ryosuke Miyauchi, MD
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
50 Cases--Includes 10 cases associated with important cardiovasclar defts. |
32 Cases--Includes 6 cases assoicated with important cardiovascular defects. |
9 Cases--Ostium of coronary sinus closed. No associated cardiovascular defects. |
29 Cases Condition of anastomosis not described--Includes 21 cases associated with important cardiovascular defects. Total 111 Cases |
7 Cases--Left superior vena cava enters left atrium directly, Rt. s.v.c enters Rt. atrium as usual. All cases have important associated cardiovascular defects. Anastomosis-variable. |
8 Cases--Type resembling embryonic sinus venosus, a common ante-chamber receiving both sup. venae cavae, inf. vena cava and Lt. sub-heptic v. All cases have important associated cardiovascular defects. Anastomosis-variable. |
3 Cases--Presistence of drainage of a small left hepatic vein as in the left horn of the sinus venosus. No associated cariovascular defects. Great cardiac v. empties into Rt. atrium. |
1 Case--Incomplete septation between orifices of inf. vena cava and coronary sinus. cornary veins empty coronary sinus and caudal protion of Lt. superior vena cava. |
1 Case--Incomplete septation between orifices of inf. vena cava and coronary sinus. Coronary veins empty coronary sinus and caudal portion of Left superior vena cava. |
24 Cases--Includes 2 cases associated with poten foramen ovale, all other cases have no associated deftes. 3 Cases--Show Rt. s.v.c. as an obliterated cord-like remnant. |
3 Cases--Left superior vena only, enters left atrium directly. All cases have important associated cardiovascular defects. Pulmonary veins enter left atrium in 2 cases, not specified in one case. |
3 Cases--Left superior vena cava only, enters a common atrial chamber directly. All cases have associated ventricular septal and vescular defects. |
Chart 1- Schematic drawing ofvariatrions of the left superior vena cava in 170 cases from the world literature. Partial persistence in 4 additional cases shown in pulmonary sketches. Broken septal line indicates septal defect.
3 Cases--Lt. s.v.c. receives totl pulmonary drainage and enters Rt. atrium. All cases have IA defect. One cases also has IV defect. |
2 Cases--Lt. s.v.c. receives total pulmonary drainage andenters Lt. atrium. All cases have IA defect, one case also has IV defect. |
2 Cases--Rt. atrium receives total pulmonary drainage. Both s.v.c. enter Rt. atrium. All cases have IA defect (questionably functional in one case). One case also has IV defect. |
2 Cases--Rt. atrium receives total pulmonary drainage. Lt. s.v.c. enters Lt. atrium. One case is true situs inversus. IA and IV defects. |
2 Cases--Rt. s.v.c. receives total pulmonary drainage. Embryonic sino-strict arrangement. One case shows persistent Lt. sub-hepatic v. IA and IV defects. |
1 Case--Lt. s.v.c. retotal pulmonary drainage. Embryonic sino-atrial arrangement. IA and IV defect. |
6 Cases--Total pulmonary drainge directly into sino-atrial chamber. Embryonic type. All cases have IA and IV defects. |
1 Case--Lt. s.v.c. receives total pulmonary drainage and enters common atrium. Biocular heart. |
Chart 2A.Schematic drawings of world literature cases showing variations in anomalous pulmonary drainage in presence of left superior vena cava. Broken septal line indicates septal defect.
3 Cases--Partial persistence. Lt. s.v.c. receives total pulmonary drainage. all cases have IA defect. |
1 Case--Partial persistence. Lt. s.v.c. receives partial pulmonary drainage (Lt. upper lobe) IA defect. |
1 Case--Lt. atrium receives total pulmonary drainage and Lt. s.v.c. IA and IV defect. |
1 Case--Lt. atrium receives total pulmonary drainage except Rt. upper lobe v. which enters Rt. s.v.c. IV defect. |
2 Cases--Both atrial receive total pulmonary drainage. Both s.v.c. enter Rt. atrium. IA defect. |
1 Case--Lt. atrium receives total pulmonary drainage and Lt. s.v.c. IA and IV defect. |
Chart 2B. Schematic drawings of world literature cases showing variations in anomalous pulmonary drainage in presence of left superior vena cava (cont'd.) broken septal line indicates septal defect.
From Winter.
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