Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Opus I: Muscular System: Alphabetical Listing of Muscles: E
Ronald A. Bergman, PhD
Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Ryosuke Miyauchi, MD
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
The tendons vary in number. They may be reduced to two or even one, and cases have been described in which the muscle was absent. In very rare instances, a slip may join the long extensor tendon of the little toe, increasing the slips to five. When five tendons are present, it is usually due to the presence of supernumerary fascicles arising between the normal slips and ending in various ways. Such slips are not infrequent, especially in the interval between the great (big) and second toes. One of these slips may join an interosseous muscle.This muscle varies greatly in development; rarely the entire muscle may be absent or, more frequently one or more of its digital divisions. It may also be developed to a greater degree than usual.
Accessory fasciculi vary markedly in their origin and termination. Most frequently, the tendons insert somewhere on a metacarpophalangeal articulation or end somewhere on the second or fifth toes. An accessory slip from extensor hallucis longus may, through a tendon several cm. in length, join a slip to the big toe (usually m. extensor hallucis brevis).
Extensor brevis digitorum pedis has been reported by Macalister as follows:
Macalister also commented on interossei pedis as follows:
Syn.: m. extensor digitorum communis brevis (Meckel) and (Henle), extensor digitorum pedis brevis, pediaeus externus pedieux (Cruveilhier).
Anson, B. J., Ed. (1966) Morris' Human Anatomy, 12th ed. The Blakiston Division, McGraw-Hill Book Company. New York.
Henle, J. (1871) Handbuch der Muskellehre des Menschen, in Handbuch der systematischen Anatomie des Menschen. Verlag von Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn, Braunschweig.
Macalister, A. (1875) Additional observation on muscular anomalies in human anatomy (third series), with a catalogue of the principal muscular variations hitherto published. Trans. Roy. Irish Acad. Sci. 25:1-134.
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