Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Opus III: Nervous System
Ronald A. Bergman, PhD
Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Ryosuke Miyauchi, MD
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
The first thoracic may fail to contribute to the formation of the posterior cord of the brachial plexus or it may be the sole source of the medial cord of the plexus.
The first and second thoracic nerves are occasionally joined by a connecting branch.
The lateral branch of the second thoracic, the intercostobrachial (intercostohumeral) nerve, may divide into an anterior and posterior division. The anterior division may, however, be absent. In either case, the lateral branch anastomoses with the medial brachial cutaneous, usually with the lateral branch of the third intercostal, and rarely with the lateral branch of the first intercostal if it is present.
Frequency of Occurrence of the Lateral Cutaneous Branch of the
First Intercostal Nerve. (after Tachibana and Miyauchi) Investigator
Frequency of Occurrence
No. found/No. body halves
Cave (1929)
Sato (1971)
Kasai/Chiba (1980)
The size of the intercostobrachial cutaneous nerve and the
extent of its distribution are reportedly inversely proportional to
the size of the other cutaneous nerves of the arm, especially the
medial brachial cutaneous nerve. When the medial brachial cutaneous
nerve is absent, it is replaced by the intercostobrachial nerve.
The first thoracic nerve may have no cutaneous branch. The sixth, seventh, and eighth nerves may provide cutaneous branches from both their lateral and medial branches. Thoracic spinal nerves supply the sternalis muscle, when present (3-5% of individuals), and the axillary arch muscle, when present.
Image 31A
Image 31B
Image 31C
Image 31D
Image 31E
Image 31F
Image 31G
Image 31H
Image 31I
Image 31J
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