(L. testis, a testicle). The male gonad. Testis means witness and to testify. The testis
are so named because they are evidence (witness) of virility. Under Roman
law, no man was admissible as a witness unless his testicles were present.
(G. thyroeides from thyreos, shield, and eidos, form). Resembling a shield.
(New Latin from Gr. tragos, goat.[ actually, the hair that resembles
a goat's beard]) It is the projection of skin- covered cartilage of the
auricle, possessing hairs growing in front of the orifice of the external
auditory meatus. Also, any hair growing in the same place. A goatee. In German,
(L. urina; G. ouron, urine).
(L. uterinus, womb). Pertaining to the uterus.
(L., G. hystera, womb) Derived from uter (utris), a leather wineskin or
waterbottle made of leather or hide.
(L. a sheath). The vagina was a sheath for a sword (L. gladius) and gladius
was a common term for the penis.
(l. vermiformis from vermis, worm, and forma, shape). Shaped like a worm.
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