Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Opus IV: Organ Systems: Male Genital System
Ronald A. Bergman, PhD
Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Ryosuke Miyauchi, MD
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
Bifid conditions and complete duplication (diphallus) may occur. Diphallia has a report frequency of 1/5.5 million births (US Public Health Service) (Cernach)
Congenital absence of the penis has a frequency of 1/30,000,000 (documentation unavailable).
An os penis has been reported.
The first reported case of doubled penis was found on a cadaver, in Bologna, in 1609 by Wecker. It was reported as follows: Observatio. Pene gemino visus quidam. Vidimvs Bononia in publicis dissectionibus cadauer viri qui duplicem habuit penem. Cl. v. Ioannes Iacobus Weckerus in Suis mthi communicatis Obseruationibus. The first American case was provided by Van Buren and Keyes in 1874. Bruni (1926) reviewed 15 cases and added one of his own for a total of 16 cases, which he discussed in detail. Additional cases by McLennan, by Kimura, by Seth and Peacock, and by others increased the total to 29 cases that were found in the medical literature by 1932.
Double Penis and Imperforate Anus
First Reference to Doubled Penis
Adair, E.L. and E.L. Lewis. (1960) Ectopic scrotum and diphallia. journal 84:115-117.
Agarwal, S. and S.K. Sogani (1984) Diphallis. J. Ped. Surg. 19:213.
Aleem, A.A. (1972) Diphallia: Report of a case. J. Urol. 108:357-358.
Amir, S.S., Mughaireh, A.M., Uri, F.I., Bustami, F.M.F. and A.M. Shamayleh. (1984) Agenesis of the penis: Report of two cases and review of the literature. Jordan Med. J. 18:221-230.
Anom. (18 65) Ein erwachsener Man mit doppelten, volkommen entwidkelten äusseren Geschlectstheilen. Wien. Med. Wochenschrift. 15(75): 1361-1364.
Antony, J. and M.K. Chanrasekara. (1973) Penile agenesis. Internat. Surgery 58:650-652.
Attie, J. (1961) Congenital absence of the penis: A report of a case with congenital concealed penile agenesis and congenital absence of the left kidney and ureter. J. Urol. 86:343-345.
Bartkowiak, Z. (1955) Case of congenital abnormality: Double penis and double scrotum. Urologia Polska 8:173-176.
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Bauza, J.A. (1932) Marlforación genital (Bifallia parcial) con extrofia y malformaciones múltiples de las manos y pies. Archivos de Pediatria del Uruguay 3:353-355.
Bruni, C. (1926) Arch. Ital. di Urol. 3:143-147.
Bruni, C. (1926) Una rarissima anomalia degli organi genito-urinari: pene doppio. Archivio Italiano di Urologia. 3:143-147.
Bruni, C. (1927) Seltene Anomalie der Urogenitalorgane: doppelter Penis. Zeitschr. f. Urol. 21:193-195.
Campbell, M. (1954) Urology. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia. vol. 1, pp. 397-398.
Cernach, M.C.S.P., Hayashi, H., and D. Soares. (1989) Diphallia associated with malformation of hindgut derivatives. Urol. 33(3):209-210.
Cochrane, W.J. and C.H. Saunders. (1942) A rare anomaly of the penis associated with imperforate anus. J. Urol. 47:810-817.
Cohen, S.J. (1968) Diphallis with duplication of the colon and bladder. Proc. R. Soc. Med. 61:305-306.
Culp, O.S. (1970) Facts and fancies regarding anomalies of the male genitale. J. Arkansas Med. Soc, 66:429.
Daut, W.W. and R.V. Daut. (1949) Accessory scrotum, posteriorly located: Review of literature and report of a case. J. Iowa Med. Soc. 39:194.
DiBattista, C., Laudizi, L. and G. Tamborino. (1975) Focomelia ed agenesis pene in neonato. Minerva Pediatr. 27:675-679.
Donald, C. (1930) A case of human diphallus. J. Anat. 64:523-526.
Drury, R.B. and H.H. Schwarzell. (1935) Congenital absence of penis. Arch. Surg. 30:236-242.
Farah, R. and G. Reno. (1972) Congenital absence of the penis. J. Urol. 107:154-155.
Ferulano, O. and C. Alfano. (1957) An unusual case of diphallism associated with polyorchidism; contribution to the study of embryogenic dymorphism. Reforma Med. 71:1145-1161.
Foshall, I. and P.P. Rickham. (1956) Transposition of the penis and scrotum. Brit. J. Urol. 28:250-252.
Gillies, H. and R.J. Harrison. (1948) Congenital absence of the penis. Brit. J. Plast. Surg. 1:8-28.
Goligorskii, S.D. and L.G. Bardier. (1957) A case of plastic repair of bladder sphincter in congenital bifurcation fo penis with incontinence. Urologiia, Moskva 21:70-71.
Harris, R.P. (1898) Congenital absence of the penis, the urethra making its exit into or below the rectum, and emptying the bladder by or exterior to, the anus. Philadelphia Med. Journal 1:71-77.
Heller, J. (1908) Zwei seltene Missbildungen des Penis; a) Diphallus partialis; b) Sogenannte Verdoppelung der Harnröhre. Zeitschr. f. Urol. 2:612-617.
Hollowell, Jr., J., Witherington, R., Ballagas, A.J. and J.N. Burt. Embryologic considerations of diphallus and associated anomalies. J. Urol. 117:728-732.
Johnson, C.F., Carlton, Jr., C.E. and N.B. Powell. (1974) Duplication of the Penis. Urol. 4:723-725.
Johnston, W.G., Jr., Yeatman. G.W. and J.W. Weigel. (1977) Congenital absence of the penis. J. Urol. 117:508-511.
Kessler, W. and A.P. McLaughlin. (1973) Agenesis of the penis. Embryology and management. Urology 1:226-229.
Kherumian, B.R. (1948) Note sur la longueur de pénis des habitants de l'europe centrale. Bull. et Mém. de la Soc. d'Anthrop. de Paris. 9:138-142.
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Küttner, H. (1896) über angeborene Verdoppelung des Penis. Beitr. Klin. Chir. 15:364-374.
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