Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Opus V: Skeletal Systems: Thorax
Ronald A. Bergman, PhD
Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Ryosuke Miyauchi, MD
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
The two lateral halves of the sternum may fail to unite and thereby form a cleft sternum (so-called fissura sterni). In other cases, the union of the two halves occurs in the manubrial region but fails distally. The cranial and caudal parts may be fused but the intermediate part remains separate. The failure to fuse can be very slight or very extensive and is sometimes accompanied by ectopia cordis.
A more common variation in the sternum is asymmetry of the costal cartilages, which may articulate in an alternating pattern.
Cartilaginous nodules or suprasternal ossicles may occur singly or paired at the superior margin of the manubrium. The frequency of occurrence is reported to be 6-7% of cadavers studied. By x-ray examination, Cobb found separate or fused suprasternal bones in 6.8% of adult whites and in 2.2% of adult Negroes; the highest incidence, 7.6%, was in white females.
The joint between the manubrium and the body of the sternum may become ossified. The manubrium sometimes extends to the insertion of the third costal cartilages. This usually occurs in gibbons and occasionally in other anthropoid apes.
The body of the sternum may be perforated, usually at its lower end.
The xiphoid process is typically variable in size and shape (it may be cleft) and may be absent. An abnormally long xiphoid, extending to a level of the umbilicus, has been reported. The xiphoid process may be perforated, more frequently than is the body of the sternum.
The body of the male sternum is relatively longer than that of the female; in males it is more than twice the length of the manubrium whereas in females it is usually less than twice the length.
Agenesis of the sternum in viable children is rare.
Variations in Sternum. Suprasternal Bones. Bifid Xiphoid Process.
Apertures in Body of Sternum and in Xiphoid Process.
Variations in Suprasternal Bones.
Variations of Sternum and Associated Structures
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