Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Opus V: Skeletal Systems: Upper Limb
Ronald A. Bergman, PhD
Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Ryosuke Miyauchi, MD
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
The numbers of carpal bones are frequently and variably increased. Over 20 accessory ossicles have been described. These usually occur because of failure of fusion of ossification centers. Such is the case of the os centrale, an additional bone located on the dorsal aspect between the scaphoid, capitate, and trapezoid, or between the lunate, triquetrum, and hamate. It is formed when a small cartilagenous nodule fails to fuse with the scaphoid, and may be doubled.
Additional elements appear in connection with the trapezium and hamate.
Other accessory elements may occur in the angle between the hamate and the fifth metacarpal, between the second and third metacarpals, and between the trapezium and capitate bones. Os vesalianum carpi is a small bone at the lateral aspect of the carpus adjacent to the fifth metacarpal and hamate. First described by Vesalius in 1543, it was not reported again until 1870 by Gruber. It has a reported frequency of about 0.1%. Os Gruberi, a rare palmar ossicle, is found, when present, between the capitate, hamate, and third and fourth metacarpal bones.
Carpal fusion may also occur, most commonly the fusion of the lunate and triquetrum (os lunatotriquetrum).
A variable interval is found between the lunate, triquetral, capitate and hamate bones of the carpus. The French have designated it the "space of Destot" but is also known as the 'medial intercarpal space.' The medial intercarpal space was first observed by T.H. Bryce (1896) in a roentgenogram of his own hand taken only a few months after the discovery of roentgen rays, "Its tip (that of the hamate) fails to reach the lunate, and there is an angular interval between it and the pyramidal (triquetral)" (O'Rahilly, 1953). The radiographic appearance of the space is of diagnostic interest in carpal dislocations. The term 'triquetrum' is given by Albinus in 1726. This bone originally called 'cuneiform' by Lyser in 1653 was referred to as 'pyramidale' by Hildebrandt. The Birmingham Revision (1933) of the Basle Nomina Anatomica (1895) use 'triquetrum' and epitriquetrum; these are preferable terms to 'pyramidis' and 'epipyramis' used by Pfitzner (1900).
Another space termed 'the lateral intercarpal space' is occasionally found between the scaphoid, capitate and trapezoid.
A case of bilateral absence of the scaphoid and lunate bones and a case of an enlarged scaphotrapezial ossicle (os radiale externum) have been reported.
A secondary scaphoid, lateral or medial to the usual scaphoid, has been reported. The scaphoid and the lunate may be bipartite or tripartite. An accessory triquetrum (os triangulare), when present is located between the distal end of the radius, ulnar styloid process, lunate, and triquetrium.
The accessory os centrale may fuse with the scaphoid.
An appendage to the tubercle of the trapezium occasionally exists as a separate bone (os trapezium secundarium).
The trapezoid may have an accessory bone (os trapezoideum secundarium) representing an unassimilated epiphysis.
The styloid process of metacarpal III (os styloideum) is sometimes replaced by an accessory process of the trapezoid.
The trapezoid may be split into two bones, a dorsal and a ventral.
An independent subcapitate (os subcapitatium) maybe found bilaterally.
The length and thickness of metacarpal bones is variable. The first metacarpal is the shortest and usually the thickest. The longest metacarpal is usually the second, and the most slender is usually the fourth.
The styloid process of metacarpal III may exist as an independent, accessory carpal bone.
Macrodactyly has been reported.
Phalanges may be increased or decreased in number and size.
In one study, three-phalangeal thumbs were found twice in 75,000 consecutively examined hands.
Duplication of the thumb is not uncommon, with or without bony articulation. Hands with five or six digits but without a thumb have been reported.
The number of digits may be increased or decreased. Septodactyly has been reported, as well as duplication of the index finger.
The digits may be fused together or absent.
Ectrocheiry, partial or complete absence of the hand, has been reported.
Sesamoid bones of the hand are variable but are found constantly at the metacarpophalangeal articulation of the thumb. They are found in the same location in the little finger in about 75% of cases, and in the index finger in about 47% of cases; they are in the middle and ring finger in less than 1% of cases. Sesamoid bones are found at the interphalangeal joint of the thumb in about 73% of cases but are very rare in this location in other digits. A dorsal metacarpophalangeal sesamoid has been observed in the thumb.
In a study of sesamoid boines using dorsopalmar radiograms, Sokolowska-Pituchowa and Miaskiewicz found that the bilateral occurrence of the II and V metacarpodigital sesamoid bones and interphalangeal sesamoid bones of the thumb were more frequent in women than men.
Critical and detailed reviews of carpal anomalies have been reported by O'Rahilly.
The space of Guyon is a narrow space located between the hook of the hamate and the pisiform in the proximal hypothenar region of the hand. The space allows the passage of the ulnar artery with its venae commitantes and the ulnar nerve to enter and serve the hand. Clinically relevant anatomic variations within the space of Guyon include hypertrophied or unusual muscle bellies, thickened ligaments, and unusual carpal bones. Neural loops and Riche-Cannieu anastomoses between the median and the ulnar nerves in the palm may exist in as many as 70% of individuals.
Dorsal and Palmar Views of the Ligaments of the
Coronal Section fo the Inferior Radio-Ulnar, Radio-Carpal,
Intercarpal and Carpo-Metacarpal Articulations.
Extensive Carpal Anomalies. Carpal Accessoria. Carpal
Metacarpostyloid Variations. Calcaneonavicular Variations
Location of Sesamoid Bone - Frequency
Three-Phalangeal Thumb. Hexadactyly
Wassel grading for Thumb Duplications
Radiographic Images of Shapes of the Scaphoid Bone
Details of Carpal Bones and their Variations
Part I| Part II| Part III| Part IV
Wrist and Hand
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