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Anatomy Atlases: Atlas of Human Anatomy: Plate 12: Figure 1

Atlas of Human Anatomy

Muscles of the neck, back, and dorsal surface of the arm.

Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed

Magnified View (via Quicktime VR)

Muscles of the neck, back, and dorsal surface of the arm

a) Skull with galea aponeurotica.
b) Occipital superior semicircular line.
c) Mandible, ramus.
d) Spinous process, cervical vertebra.
e) Spinous process, thoracic vertebra.
f) Spinous process, lumbar vertebra.
g) Os sacrum.
h) Iliac crest.
i) Ischial tuberosity.
k) Os ischium.
l) Os ilium.
m) Greater trochanter of humerus.
n) Clavicle.
o) Scapular spine.
p) Scapula, dorsal edge.
q) Acromion.
r) Os brachii, greater tubercle of humerus.
s) Os brachii (humerus).
t) Ulna, olecranon process.
u) Humerus, medial condyle.
v) Humerus, lateral condyle.
w) Ulna.
x) Common palmar carpal ligament
y) Common dorsal carpal ligament.
z) Twelfth rib (costa ultima).

  1. m. fromtalis.
  2. m. palpebrum orbicularis.
  3. m. auricularis superior (attolens).
  4. mm auricularis posterior (retrahentes).
  5. m. auricularis anterior (attrehens).
  6. m. masseter.
  7. m. occipital.
  8. m. sternocleidomastoid.
  9. m. splenius capitis.
  10. m. splenius cervicis.
  11. m. semispinalis cervicis.
  12. m. levator scapulae.
  13. m. trapezius.
  14. m. rhomboideus minor.
  15. m. rhomboideus major.
  16. m. latissimus dorsi.
  17. m. serratus posterior inferior.
  18. m. serratus anterior.
  19. mm. external intercostals.
  20. m. iliocostalis.
  21. m. external abdominal oblique.
  22. m. internal abdominal oblique.
  23. m. gluteus maximus (right side removed).
  24. m. gluteus medius.
  25. m. pyriformis.
  26. m. superior gemellus.
  27. m. obturator internus.
  28. m. inferior gemellus.
  29. m. quadratus femoris.
  30. m. obturator externus.
  31. m. vastus lateralis.
  32. m. semimembranosus.
  33. m. adductor magnus (with gaps for perforant rami of profundus femoris artery).
  34. m. supraspinatus.
  35. m. infraspinatus.
  36. m. teres minor.
  37. m. teres major.
  38. m. deltoid.
  39. m. triceps brachii.
  40. m. triceps brachii, long head.
  41. m. triceps brachii, lateral head.
  42. m. triceps brachii, medial head.
  43. m. anconeus.
  44. m. brachialis.
  45. m. brachioradialis.
  46. m. extensor digitorum communis.
  47. m. extensor carpi ulnaris.
  48. tendons of mm. extensors carpi radialis.
  49. m. extensor pollicis brevis.
  50. m. abductor pollicis longus.
  51. m. extensor pollicis longus.
  52. mm. flexors (carpi and digitorum) on the volar surface of the forearm.
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