Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Opus II: Cardiovascular System: Arteries: Head, Neck, and Thorax
Ronald A. Bergman, PhD
Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Ryosuke Miyauchi, MD
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
It may arise from the subclavian or axillary artery (reported as high as 10%), or from an accessory inferior thyroid, the subscapular, or the thoracoacromial artery.
When it arises from the second or third part of the subclavian, it usually passes through, rather than over the brachial plexus.
A thyroidea ima may be a branch of the suprascapular.
The suprascapular artery arose from the thyrocervical trunk as follows (from Röhlich, 1940-41). Right side, 41 cases (45.5%); left side, 34 cases (40.5%); total 75 cases (43.1%); in Men, 45 cases (40.9%); in Women, 30 cases (46.8%)
The suprascapular artery arose from the thyrocervical trunk with the transverse cervical artery.
The suprascapular arose with the transverse cervical and the internal thoracic arteries from a common stem. The inferior thyroid artery was absent or it arose directly from the subclavian artery.
The suprascapular arose with the internal thoracic from a common stem. The inferior thyroid was absent or arose directly from the subclavian artery. Left side . 1 case (1.5%); total, 1 case (0.5%) in a man.
The suprascapular arose together with the ascending cervical artery. Left side, 1 case (1.1%); total 1 case (0.5%0 in a man.
The suprascapular artery was absent. Right side, 3 cases (3.3%); left side, 4 cases (4.7%); total, 7 cases (4%); in Men, 4 cases (3.6%); in Women, 3 cases (4.3%).
See also Thyrocervical trunk.
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